Agatha Christie Quotes

Agatha Christie was an English writer known for her detective novels and short stories. She is considered one of the most prolific and successful authors in the mystery genre, with works such as "Murder on the Orient Express" and "And Then There Were None." Christie's captivating storytelling and her creation of iconic detective characters have made her a literary legend.

Very few of us are what we seem.... -Agatha Christie
Discovering the context

The quote expresses caution regarding trusting others in situations involving significant amounts of money, indicating a skepticism towards the reliability or integrity of individuals in financial matters, implying a belief in the need for careful scrutiny and caution when dealing with financial transactions or investments.

Discovering the context

This quote humorously suggests that despite the likelihood of good advice being disregarded or overlooked, it should still be offered. It implies that the recipient's tendency to ignore advice should not deter others from providing valuable guidance or wisdom. It highlights the importance of sharing knowledge and insights, even if they may not always be heeded, as they can still hold value and potential benefits for the recipient.