Alexander Hamilton Quotes

Alexander Hamilton was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a key figure in the early American government. He was an influential statesman, economist, and constitutional lawyer. Hamilton played a crucial role in shaping the United States' financial system and was a strong advocate for a centralized government. He was also one of the authors of the Federalist Papers, a collection of essays promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution. Hamilton's contributions to American politics and his influence on the formation of the nation's institutions and policies have made him an iconic figure in American history.

Learn to think continentally.... -Alexander Hamilton
Discovering the context

This quote implies that once conflicts or confrontations escalate to violence, human emotions and actions become unrestrained, often lacking moderation or self-control, potentially leading to extreme outcomes.

Discovering the context

The quote humorously acknowledges the expectation that trust in one's body diminishes as individuals age, implying a recognition of the physical limitations or vulnerabilities that can arise with age, and suggesting a need for caution or self-care in older adulthood.

The honor of a nation is its life.... -Alexander Hamilton
A promise must never be broken.... -Alexander Hamilton