Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes

Alfred Lord Tennyson was a British poet who served as the Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom during the Victorian era. He is known for his poetic works, including "The Charge of the Light Brigade," "Ulysses," and "The Lady of Shalott." Tennyson's poetry often explored themes of love, nature, and the human condition, and his lyrical style and vivid imagery made him one of the most popular poets of his time.

O earth, what changes hast thou seen!... -Alfred Lord Tennyson
Ring out the false, ring in the true.... -Alfred Lord Tennyson
Discovering the context

This quote metaphorically suggests that from the depths of obscurity or adversity, individuals emerge who have the power to shape and influence others, shaping them into who they become.

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.... -Alfred Lord Tennyson
Love is the only gold.... -Alfred Lord Tennyson
A day may sink or save a realm.... -Alfred Lord Tennyson
Discovering the context

This quote employs poetic language to convey the idea of perpetual change and transformation in the world. It suggests that the world is in a constant state of motion and progress, continuously moving forward along the "ringing grooves" of change, echoing the cyclical nature of life's evolution.