Antoine de Saint-Exupery Quotes

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a French writer and aviator. He is best known for his novella "The Little Prince," which has become one of the most translated and best-selling books in the world. Saint-Exupéry's writing often explored themes of human nature, love, and the importance of imagination and wonder. His works, including "Night Flight" and "Wind, Sand and Stars," showcased his poetic style and deep insights into the human condition. Saint-Exupéry's life was tragically cut short during a reconnaissance mission in World War II, but his literary legacy continues to inspire readers around the globe.

It is such a secret place, the land of tears.... -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Discovering the context

This quote challenges the romanticized notion of war as an exciting adventure and instead compares it to a disease. It implies that war is a harmful and contagious affliction that brings suffering and spreads across societies. It underscores the negative and detrimental aspects of armed conflict.

To be a man is, precisely, to be responsible.... -Antoine de Saint-Exupery