Baltasar Gracian Quotes

Baltasar Gracian was a Spanish philosopher and writer known for his philosophical works. His writings explore various aspects of human nature, wisdom, and the art of living, offering insights and guidance that continue to resonate with readers and philosophers to this day.

Know or listen to those who know.... -Baltasar Gracian
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The quote suggests that having strong and genuine friendships enhances the positive aspects of life, multiplying happiness, joy, and fulfillment. Additionally, it implies that friendships can help mitigate or lessen the impact of negative experiences by dividing the burden or sharing support.

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The quote contrasts the remembering tendencies of hope and gratitude, suggesting that hope tends to recall positive experiences or expectations, while gratitude may be less inclined to remember past favors or kindnesses.

Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit.... -Baltasar Gracian
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This quote suggests that luck or fortunate outcomes can be influenced or aided by wise decision-making or strategic actions. It implies that individuals who possess wisdom or intelligence can increase their chances of experiencing positive results. It highlights the idea that luck is not solely reliant on chance but can be enhanced through knowledgeable and thoughtful approaches.

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This quote humorously suggests that successful gamblers know when to stop and leave while they are winning. It implies that recognizing the right moment to exit a situation can lead to positive outcomes and preserve gains.

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This quote suggests that while nature provides beauty and inspiration, achieving the absolute best may require the intervention of human creativity and artistic expression. It implies that art has the power to enhance and refine natural elements.

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This quote asserts that the envious individuals experience a form of death or suffering each time the person they envy receives praise or recognition. It suggests that envy is a constant source of pain or discontent. It reflects the ongoing and cyclic nature of envy and its impact on the envious.

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Sometimes, advice is better received and understood when delivered in a humorous manner rather than in a serious and solemn tone.