Bill Watterson Quotes

Bill Watterson is a cartoonist best known for creating the beloved comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes." The comic strip, which ran from 1985 to 1995, followed the imaginative and mischievous adventures of a young boy named Calvin and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes. Watterson's work was highly acclaimed for its rich storytelling, humor, and thoughtful exploration of life's big questions. His decision to retire the strip at the height of its popularity has only added to its legendary status.

Reality continues to ruin my life.... -Bill Watterson
Discovering the context

This quote emphasizes the comforting and supportive nature of having a best friend. It implies that having a close friend to rely on can alleviate fear and provide a sense of security. It reflects on the emotional bond and companionship that best friends offer during challenging times.

Discovering the context

This quote highlights the common phenomenon of brilliance or genius being unrecognized or misunderstood by contemporaries. It suggests that truly innovative or exceptional ideas are often ahead of their time and may only be appreciated and understood in future generations.