Bryan Ferry Quotes

Bryan Ferry is a British singer, songwriter, and musician. He is best known as the lead vocalist and principal songwriter of the band Roxy Music. Ferry's distinctive voice, suave persona, and sophisticated musical style have made him a prominent figure in the world of rock and pop music. His solo career has also been successful, with hit songs like "Let's Stick Together" and "Slave to Love."

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The speaker humorously reveals a desire to emulate the iconic musician Jimi Hendrix but acknowledges that they were unable to fully achieve that look or style.

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The quote humorously remarks on the rarity of experiencing complete silence in the modern world, highlighting the prevalence of noise and distractions in contemporary life.

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This quote underscores the combined impact of music and lyrics. It suggests that when music and words are harmoniously paired, they can create a powerful and emotionally resonant experience.