Carl von Clausewitz Quotes

Carl von Clausewitz was a Prussian general and military theorist. He is known for his book "On War," which remains one of the most influential works on military strategy and philosophy. Clausewitz's theories on warfare, including the concept of "fog of war" and the relationship between politics and warfare, have had a profound impact on military thinking. His ideas continue to be studied and applied in military academies and strategic planning. Clausewitz's contributions to military theory have made him a renowned figure in the field.

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This quote, attributed to Carl von Clausewitz, suggests that war is an extension or instrument of political objectives and strategies. It implies that armed conflict can be seen as a means to achieve political goals when other diplomatic or peaceful methods fail or are insufficient.

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This quote encourages focusing on a specific and significant goal with unwavering determination and intensity. It suggests that concentrated efforts towards a single objective can lead to remarkable achievements.

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This quote presents the viewpoint that war is seen as an extension or manifestation of a country's policy or objectives, albeit pursued through different means. It implies that war can be perceived as an instrument employed by states to achieve their political aims.

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This quote metaphorically depicts politics as the environment or breeding ground in which war originates and evolves. It implies that political factors, decisions, and actions contribute to the escalation or emergence of armed conflicts.

A conqueror is always a lover of peace.... -Carl von Clausewitz
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The quote implies that true conquerors or leaders who possess power and influence value peace and seek its preservation. It suggests that those who understand the consequences of conflict and conquest recognize the importance of peace in maintaining stability, prosperity, and the well-being of society. It highlights the paradoxical relationship between power and the desire for peaceful outcomes.

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This quote highlights the physical toll and suffering that accompany war. It implies that war is a realm or arena where physical endurance, exertion, and hardships are pervasive, emphasizing the physicality of armed conflicts and their impact on those involved.

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This quote conveys the paradox of war, where the basic principles may seem straightforward, but the execution and implementation of those principles can be extremely challenging. It implies that despite the simplicity in theory, the actual conduct of war is complex and demanding.

To secure peace is to prepare for war.... -Carl von Clausewitz
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This quote conveys the idea that being prepared and having a strong defense is crucial for maintaining peace and deterring aggression. It implies the belief that readiness and strength are necessary to prevent conflict or protect one's interests.

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This quote conveys that war is not a detached or impersonal act carried out against an inanimate target or object. It implies that war involves a clash of wills, decisions, and actions between sentient beings or groups, emphasizing its inherently human and interactive nature.