Edmund Burke Quotes

Edmund Burke was an Irish statesman, philosopher, and political theorist. He is often regarded as the father of modern conservatism and was known for his influential writings on political and social issues during the 18th century.

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This quote emphasizes the inevitability and power of change. It suggests that change is a fundamental law of nature that everyone must adhere to. It highlights the transformative nature of life and the necessity of adapting and embracing change in order to thrive.

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This quote expresses the notion that unjust or flawed laws can be oppressive and constitute a severe form of tyranny. It suggests that the negative consequences of bad laws outweigh those of other forms of oppression or autocratic rule, emphasizing the importance of fair and just legislation.

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This quote emphasizes the importance of organization and structure as a fundamental basis for stability and progress. It suggests that establishing and maintaining order provides a solid foundation for all endeavors, systems, or aspects of life.

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This quote implies that greatness, whether in achievements, concepts, or ideas, is inherently imprecise or elusive. It suggests that true greatness transcends strict definitions or boundaries, often encompassing a broader or abstract nature that cannot be easily defined or confined.

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This quote offers a philosophical perspective on poetry. It suggests that poetry has the ability to give substance and form to intangible and elusive concepts or experiences. It implies that through poetic language, the ephemeral and abstract can be made tangible and real, adding depth and meaning to seemingly insignificant or transient aspects of existence.

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This quote underscores the importance of individuals taking a stand against evil or injustice, emphasizing that inaction or apathy from those who possess goodness or moral values allows evil to prevail.

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Encourages individuals to maintain a sense of hope and resilience even in the face of despair or adversity, suggesting that rather than succumbing to despair, one should continue to work, persevere, and strive for progress, implying that personal growth and transformation can still be achieved amidst difficult circumstances.

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The quote suggests that a desire for fame is an inherent instinct or drive within individuals with great aspirations or ambitions, portraying it as a powerful motivating force for those seeking to leave a significant mark on the world.