Emily Dickinson Quotes

Emily Dickinson was an American poet known for her unique style and approach to poetry. She wrote prolifically but gained recognition posthumously. Dickinson's poems explored themes of nature, death, immortality, and the human experience, making her one of the most influential poets in American literature.

I dwell in possibility.... -Emily Dickinson
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Challenging the notion that luck or favorable outcomes are purely a result of chance, suggesting that success or good fortune is earned through hard work, effort, and perseverance.

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This quote suggests that dogs possess a loyal and trustworthy nature, as they keep secrets and do not reveal sensitive information.

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The quote presents a cynical perspective on celebrity, portraying it as a form of punishment or retribution for those with genuine merit and talent.

Beauty is not caused. It is.... -Emily Dickinson
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This quote describes the physical and emotional impact that poetry can have on the speaker. It suggests that when encountering powerful and transformative poetry, the speaker experiences a profound sensation akin to having the top of their head figuratively removed, implying a deep and visceral response to poetic beauty and insight.

Fortune befriends the bold.... -Emily Dickinson
Forever is composed of nows.... -Emily Dickinson
Where thou art, that is home.... -Emily Dickinson
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This quote implies that home is not necessarily tied to a specific physical location but rather where a person feels a sense of belonging and comfort. It conveys the idea that as long as one is with their loved ones or in a familiar environment, they can consider themselves at home.

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The quote portrays fame as an unpredictable and unstable entity that can easily be lost or change over time.

My friends are my estate.... -Emily Dickinson