George Eliot Quotes

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The quote suggests that what is often labeled as despair may actually be the result of unfulfilled hope, indicating that the intensity of longing or desire can manifest as despair.

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This quote signifies the profound impact of a mother's presence and affection, representing the beginning of life's journey.

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This quote metaphorically suggests that the things we desire or seek cannot be achieved without effort and action. It implies that to attain more of something desirable, one must invest in its creation or cultivation. It reflects the idea of proactive engagement and the need to plant seeds or lay foundations to bring about desired outcomes.

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This quote implies that having different preferences or tastes in humor can create tension or strain in interpersonal relationships. It suggests that shared humor plays a significant role in bonding or connection.

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The quote reflects on the enduring influence of our past actions and experiences, suggesting that they continue to shape our identity and character. It implies that the choices and experiences we have encountered during our travels contribute to our overall being.

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This quote suggests that individuals or nations without a significant historical burden or past conflicts may be more likely to experience happiness. It implies a perspective on the potential freedom and contentment that can come from a lack of historical baggage or grievances.

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This quote highlights the companionship and non-judgmental nature of animals, portraying them as trustworthy and accepting friends.