Heraclitus Quotes

Discovering the context

This quote, attributed to the philosopher Heraclitus, conveys the idea of constant change and flux in the world. It suggests that everything is in a state of constant motion and transformation, and no experience or moment can be replicated exactly as it once was.

Discovering the context

This quote suggests that God encompasses and transcends contrasting aspects of existence, including periods of light and darkness, seasons of peace and war, and experiences of abundance and deprivation. It implies that God is present in all aspects of life, regardless of their nature.

Nothing endures but change.... -Heraclitus
Discovering the context

This quote emphasizes the idea that individuals who seek to gain knowledge and understanding of the world should delve into the specific intricacies and nuances of different aspects or subjects.

The sun is new each day.... -Heraclitus
Nature is wont to hide herself.... -Heraclitus
Change alone is unchanging.... -Heraclitus