Josh Billings Quotes

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This quote metaphorically compares life to a card game and emphasizes that success or fulfillment is not solely determined by the quality of the cards (opportunities) one is dealt with, but rather by how skillfully one plays them. It underscores the importance of resourcefulness and strategy.

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This quote highlights the idea that money can acquire material possessions or services, but it cannot purchase genuine happiness or loyalty. It emphasizes the importance of emotional connection and genuine affection, which cannot be bought with wealth.

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The quote advises parents to set a positive example for their children by occasionally traveling or embodying the values and behaviors they wish to instill in their child.

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This quote playfully suggests that allowing a foolish person to proceed with their beliefs or actions might be the most effective way for them to realize their mistakes. It implies that sometimes, firsthand experiences or consequences can be the most convincing way to change a person's perspective.