Mark Twain Quotes

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This quote uses a metaphor of thunder and lightning to convey that while certain things may appear powerful or impressive, it is the action or impact (symbolized by lightning) that truly matters. It emphasizes the importance of actions over mere appearances.

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Suggesting that the need or urgency of a situation often compels individuals to take risks or venture into uncharted territories, implying that necessity can be a driving force behind the willingness to embrace risks or explore new opportunities.

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This quote uses humor to highlight the contradiction of meticulously preparing for an impromptu speech, which, by definition, is meant to be spontaneous and unplanned. It playfully emphasizes the irony of the speaker's statement.

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This quote humorously points out the challenge of being confronted with someone who sets a high standard or serves as a role model. It suggests that it can be difficult to tolerate the presence of individuals who consistently exhibit good behavior, as their example may highlight one's own shortcomings or demand personal growth and accountability. It underscores the idea of the discomfort or pressure that comes from witnessing a good example.

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This quote challenges the objectivity or impartiality of historical accounts, suggesting that the writings and narratives of history are influenced by biases and subjective perspectives. It implies a critical view of historical documentation and interpretation, highlighting the potential for prejudice or preconceived notions to shape historical narratives.