Rabindranath Tagore Quotes

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Music is seen as a bridge that connects and fills the vast emotional and spiritual gap between individuals, fostering a sense of connection and shared experience.

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This quote metaphorically signifies that progress or achievement requires active participation and effort. It suggests that one cannot achieve significant goals by passively observing or contemplating; instead, they must take action and overcome obstacles.

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This quote highlights the belief that the existence of children, with their innocence and potential, symbolizes God's continuing faith and hope in humanity despite its flaws and shortcomings.

Age considers; youth ventures.... -Rabindranath Tagore
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This quote suggests that a solitary flower does not need to envy or compare itself to a group of thorny plants. It implies that the uniqueness and individuality of a single flower hold inherent value, regardless of the abundance or presence of other elements. It encourages embracing one's distinctiveness and recognizing the significance of each individual's contributions.

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This quote challenges the worship of material possessions or false idols. It implies that God's existence and power surpass the significance or worth of any idols that individuals may hold dear or idolize.