Samuel Johnson Quotes

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This quote, attributed to Samuel Johnson, criticizes the idea that some individuals may exploit or manipulate patriotic sentiments for their own selfish or dishonest purposes. It suggests a cynical view of patriotism.

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Drawing a metaphorical comparison between being on a ship and being confined in a jail, while acknowledging the inherent risk of drowning at sea.

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This quote suggests that poetry has the unique ability to combine aesthetic delight and emotional pleasure with the pursuit of truth and deeper understanding. It implies that poetry can evoke joy, beauty, and emotional resonance while also exploring profound truths, philosophical concepts, or profound human experiences.

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This quote emphasizes the importance of self-confidence in embarking on significant or challenging endeavors. It suggests that believing in oneself and one's abilities is a fundamental requirement for accomplishing great things. It underscores the role of self-assurance and belief in one's potential as a driving force for success.