Voltaire Quotes

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This quote offers a nuanced view on the characteristics of individuals, suggesting that someone who is solely just without compassion may be perceived as hard or lacking warmth, while someone who is solely wise may carry a sense of sadness or solemnity.

My life is a struggle.... -Voltaire
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This quote highlights the concept of missed opportunities for doing good. It suggests that individuals bear a certain responsibility or guilt for the positive actions they did not take or the opportunities they let pass by. It implies the importance of recognizing the potential for positive impact and taking action to make a difference. It underscores the idea of personal accountability and moral responsibility.

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This quote conveys the idea that striving for perfection or always seeking improvement can hinder progress. It suggests that the pursuit of being better can prevent individuals from recognizing or appreciating what is already good or satisfactory. It implies that an excessive focus on perfectionism can be counterproductive and obstruct the recognition of achievements or contentment with current outcomes. It underscores the idea of finding a balance between striving for improvement and appreciating present achievements.

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This quote implies that an individual's character, intelligence, or depth of understanding can be better assessed by the quality of their questions rather than the answers they provide. It suggests that the ability to ask insightful and thought-provoking questions demonstrates intellectual curiosity, critical thinking skills, and a genuine desire to learn and understand. It encourages focusing on the inquisitiveness and curiosity of individuals rather than solely evaluating their responses.

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This quote portrays history as a record or documentation of human wrongdoing, tragedies, and unfortunate events. It implies a somewhat pessimistic view of history, focusing on its darker aspects rather than its potential for progress or positive achievements.

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This quote metaphorically portrays writing or wielding a pen as an act of engaging in intellectual or ideological battles. It implies that expressing one's ideas through writing can be a form of resistance, advocacy, or a means to influence and shape public opinion.

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Asserting that chance, as a concept or word, lacks logical or meaningful substance since everything in existence has a cause or reason, emphasizing the belief that events or phenomena are not random or purposeless.

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The quote conveys a sense of the burdens or challenges associated with a name or reputation that has attained excessive fame or notoriety.

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This quote reflects the principle of favoring the presumption of innocence and avoiding the wrongful conviction of innocent individuals. It suggests that the potential risk of sparing a guilty person is preferable to the grave injustice of punishing an innocent person.

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This quote highlights one of the virtues of poetry, which is its ability to convey deep meaning, emotions, and imagery using concise and impactful language. It suggests that poetry has the power to express complex ideas and evoke profound emotions with economy of words, surpassing the capacity of prose to achieve the same effect.