W. Somerset Maugham Quotes

Only a mediocre person is always at his best.... -W. Somerset Maugham
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This quote satirically suggests that truly exceptional individuals are not always at their peak performance. It implies that mediocrity may appear consistent but true greatness involves growth, learning, and occasional setbacks in pursuit of excellence.

Writing is the supreme solace.... -W. Somerset Maugham
Impropriety is the soul of wit.... -W. Somerset Maugham
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This quote implies that witty or clever humor often involves elements of impropriety or deviating from conventional norms. It suggests that unconventional or slightly inappropriate humor can be intellectually engaging or amusing.

The crown of literature is poetry.... -W. Somerset Maugham
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This quote emphasizes the elevated status of poetry within the realm of literature. It suggests that poetry holds a position of distinction and superiority, symbolized by the metaphorical "crown." It implies that poetry is considered the most esteemed and revered form of literary expression.

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This quote suggests that humor can foster tolerance and understanding. It implies that finding amusement in others' actions or behaviors can diffuse anger and promote a more accepting perspective.