William Hazlitt Quotes

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The quote suggests that travel may have different effects on individuals based on their wisdom or lack thereof. It implies that travel can enhance the wisdom of a wise person, but have negative consequences for a fool.

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This quote suggests that wit or cleverness adds spice and liveliness to conversations but should not overshadow the substance or depth of the discussion. It implies that wit serves as an enhancement rather than a replacement for meaningful dialogue.

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This quote implies that individuals who engage in conflicts and hostility with others are likely to experience internal turmoil and lack inner peace. It suggests that true harmony and contentment can only be achieved when one cultivates a peaceful and compassionate mindset.

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The quote emphasizes the importance of appreciating and valuing one's own country even while traveling. It suggests that a wise traveler recognizes the merits and unique aspects of their homeland while also embracing the exploration of other nations and cultures.

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This quote asserts that poetry encapsulates the essence of what is truly significant and memorable in life. It suggests that poetry captures and preserves the profound experiences, emotions, and insights that transcend the ordinary and leave a lasting impression on the human soul.

Zeal will do more than knowledge.... -William Hazlitt