Hope Quotes - Page 5

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The quote defines hope as a sensation or emotional state characterized by the belief that the current feeling or situation is temporary and that a different, more desirable state is attainable in the future.

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The quote offers a somewhat skeptical view of history, characterizing it as a collection of accounts or narratives from the past that are subject to uncertainty or interpretation, sometimes with the expectation of accuracy.

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The quote draws a contrast between the reactions of an animal and a human when facing death, implying that humans experience both dread and hope while anticipating their final moments.

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The quote reflects the speaker's aspiration to continually challenge themselves and avoid being confined to a single role or identity, suggesting a commitment to personal growth and exploration.

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The quote suggests that what is often labeled as despair may actually be the result of unfulfilled hope, indicating that the intensity of longing or desire can manifest as despair.

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The quote asserts that hope is not merely a feeling or disposition but a skill or talent that individuals can cultivate. It implies that like other abilities, hope can be developed, honed, and utilized to navigate through life's challenges and find optimism even in difficult circumstances.

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The quote wittily suggests that the most commonly held form of hope is the expectation of receiving something valuable or desirable without having to invest or exert effort. It highlights the inclination for people to hope for rewards or benefits without corresponding actions or contributions.

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The quote expresses the speaker's reliance on divine mercy and grace as a source of hope. It suggests that the belief in a benevolent higher power provides hope and optimism, both on a personal level and for the broader world.

Discovering the context

The quote encourages perseverance, resilience, and maintaining one's integrity. It advises against surrendering, losing hope, or compromising one's values or principles, emphasizing the importance of staying determined and true to oneself in the face of challenges or adversity.

Discovering the context

The quote describes a dynamic or interaction between two people that resembles the comedic partnership of Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, suggesting a humorous and entertaining connection.