Jealousy Quotes - Page 2

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This quote metaphorically compares moral indignation to jealousy with a halo, implying that moral outrage can stem from a similar emotional root. It suggests that both emotions share underlying similarities despite their outward differences. It reflects a perspective on the connection between moral judgment and jealousy.

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This quote suggests that jealousy often focuses on specific details or aspects of a situation or person. It implies that jealousy sharpens one's attention to these details, potentially leading to heightened scrutiny or suspicion. It reflects the meticulous and obsessive nature of jealousy.

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This quote suggests that jealousy arises from perceiving others as having more fun or enjoyment than oneself. It implies that jealousy is fueled by the imagined experiences or pleasures of others. It reflects the subjective and often distorted nature of jealousy.

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This quote expresses a personal preference for jealous men and a fondness for jealousy itself. It implies that the speaker finds jealousy attractive or appealing. It reflects the speaker's emotional connection to the intense emotions and possessiveness associated with jealousy.

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This quote contrasts love and jealousy, implying that love brings glory and joy, while jealousy brings punishment and distress. It reflects a perspective on the stark differences between the positive aspects of love and the negative effects of jealousy.

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This quote depicts jealousy as a dragon that kills love while pretending to preserve it. It suggests that jealousy can deceive individuals into believing that it safeguards love, but in reality, it destroys it. It reflects a cautionary perspective on the destructive nature of jealousy within relationships.

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This quote characterizes jealous individuals as being simultaneously tormented by a frenzied devil and weighed down by a lackluster spirit. It implies that jealousy evokes both intense agitation and a sense of stagnation or unhappiness. It reflects the conflicting and burdensome nature of jealousy.

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This quote acknowledges that jealousy is not a trivial or insignificant emotion. It suggests that jealousy can have a profound and immediate impact, humbling and overwhelming individuals upon its initial emergence. It reflects the intense and powerful nature of jealousy as an emotional response.

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This quote defines jealousy as a combination of love and hate simultaneously. It suggests that jealousy can arise from the intense emotions associated with both love and hate. It reflects the complex and contradictory nature of jealousy as an emotional state.

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This quote describes jealousy as the experience of feeling isolated or alone in the presence of seemingly friendly or supportive individuals. It suggests that jealousy creates a sense of being surrounded by adversaries or rivals. It reflects a perspective on the isolating nature of jealousy.

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This quote emphasizes the destructive and pernicious nature of jealousy. It implies that jealousy can create significant suffering or turmoil, comparing it to a hellish experience. It alludes to its classification as one of the deadly sins in religious teachings, highlighting its moral and spiritual implications.

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This quote draws a parallel between fear and jealousy, suggesting that both emotions are unnecessary or unproductive. It implies that these emotions can be detrimental or obstructive in various situations. It reflects the speaker's perspective on the negative aspects of fear and jealousy, emphasizing their potential to hinder personal growth or well-being.

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This quote humorously denies the speaker's experience of jealousy, using a personal anecdote to illustrate their lack of envy even in a seemingly trivial situation. It emphasizes the speaker's lack of jealousy as a character trait.

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This quote defines jealousy as the fear that arises when one compares themselves to others. It implies that jealousy stems from a perceived inferiority or inadequacy when measured against others. It reflects a perspective on the insecurities that underlie jealousy.