Men Quotes - Page 3

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This quote suggests that men's judgments can be influenced by their personal biases, including their sympathies and self-interests. It implies that subjective factors can impact men's decision-making processes, potentially leading to biased or partial judgments.

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This quote suggests that great individuals leave a lasting impact on the world through their achievements, and history itself is shaped by the actions of these exceptional men.

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This quote suggests that justice is not an inherent or absolute concept but rather a social agreement or arrangement established among individuals. It implies that justice is a human construct and its existence relies on the mutual agreement and cooperation of people.

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This quote humorously suggests that newspapers and journalists are the most creative inventors in America, playfully highlighting their role in shaping public opinion and disseminating information.

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This quote presents a provocative argument, suggesting that if men had the physical ability to become pregnant, society might view the act of abortion with a higher level of reverence or sanctity.

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This quote proposes that the root cause of men's misfortunes or hardships can be traced back to their aversion to solitude or the fear of being alone, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and introspection.

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This quote humorously suggests that marriage, with its associated responsibilities and commitments, may hinder the creative or inventive pursuits of men, implying a trade-off between family life and innovation.

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This quote emphasizes the importance of assessing individuals based on the impact of their opinions on their character and actions. It suggests that true judgment of men should consider how their beliefs have shaped their behavior and the consequences of those beliefs.

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This quote humorously suggests that men desire both stability and excitement in their romantic relationships. It implies that men seek a balance between a partner who provides a peaceful and nurturing home environment and a partner who brings passion and excitement to their lives.

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This quote expresses a preference for a modest or unassuming presence, indicating a desire to be remembered for one's actions or contributions rather than seeking external recognition or monuments.

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This quote acknowledges the fallibility of men, suggesting that even the most capable individuals can occasionally make mistakes or overlook important details.