Movies Quotes - Page 3

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This quote humorously reflects the speaker's perspective on their priorities and desires, suggesting that if they cannot attain romantic success in movies, they would settle for financial compensation.

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This quote indicates that the speaker did not engage in watching movies during their upbringing. It suggests a lack of exposure to cinematic experiences or a limited interest in film during their formative years, emphasizing a different cultural or recreational background that did not include movie-watching as a prominent activity.

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This quote conveys the speaker's intention as a filmmaker to create movies that promote understanding or convey a clear message rather than solely aiming to shock or provoke audiences.

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This quote contextualizes the speaker's upbringing during the 1950s, a period characterized by the popularity of cowboy movies and rock 'n' roll music. It implies that the speaker's formative years were influenced by the cultural phenomena of that time, suggesting a nostalgic connection to the cinematic and musical trends prevalent in the era.

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The quote expresses a preference for movies that exhibit a sense of thoughtfulness and intentional design in their storytelling, plot development, and overall execution. It suggests an appreciation for films that go beyond surface-level entertainment and engage the viewer intellectually.