Sad Quotes - Page 3

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This quote suggests that the speaker has acquired a reputation or image that elicits fantasizing or daydreaming from older men, possibly with a submissive or masochistic undertone, implying a mixture of amusement and sadness.

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This quote expresses a sense of sadness or regret at witnessing a woman relinquishing or sacrificing personal relationships or emotional connections in order to engage in benevolent or altruistic actions.

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This quote expresses the speaker's disappointment or regret about the commercialization of stardom in contemporary culture, suggesting that fame has become a commodified concept.

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This quote reveals the speaker's affinity for melancholic or emotionally charged songs, expressing a preference for songs that evoke sadness and acknowledging the profound emotional impact that such music has on them.

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This quote suggests that sadness can serve as a form of emotional protection or defense mechanism. It implies that feeling sad can create emotional boundaries and distance, potentially shielding us from further pain or vulnerability. It highlights the self-preserving aspect of sadness.

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This quote reflects on the deep sadness that arises from realizing that one's own actions or choices have led to all the hardships and adversities in life. It implies that self-awareness of personal responsibility can bring about profound sorrow and regret.

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This quote affirms the speaker's self-acceptance and contentment with their identity, humorously rejecting the notion that being tired or dissatisfied with oneself would be a sad or unfortunate state of being.

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This quote showcases the speaker's versatility in expressing various emotions, highlighting their ability to embody different moods or portray different facets of their personality.

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This quote expresses the speaker's astonishment or disbelief at the censorship of films, regarding it as a sad or disheartening practice that limits creative expression and potentially restricts artistic freedom.

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This quote expresses the speaker's attachment or affinity to the act of flying, indicating that the inability to fly would be a source of sadness for them, possibly symbolizing the loss of freedom, dreams, or aspirations.