Technology Quotes - Page 5

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This quote expresses a preference for traditional pen-and-paper writing and a negative sentiment toward technology. It implies that the speaker values the tangible and tactile experience of writing on paper. It reflects on the personal aversion to certain forms of technology in favor of traditional methods.

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This quote suggests that young individuals have a natural enthusiasm for new software and technology innovations. It implies that technological novelties appeal strongly to younger generations. It reflects on the excitement and curiosity of youth regarding technological advancements.

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This quote suggests that facial recognition technology is already contributing positively to society. It implies that the technology has practical applications beyond its controversies. It reflects on the potential benefits of facial recognition technology in various domains.

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This quote suggests that individuals in different generations are fortunate to have technologies that suit their needs. It implies that technological advancements cater to various age groups and preferences. It reflects on how technology evolves to serve different user demographics.

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This quote suggests that technology has a significant impact on amplifying cognitive differences among individuals. It implies that technology can accentuate variations in cognitive abilities or intellectual capacities. It reflects on the influence of technology on cognitive performance.

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This quote expresses the speaker's belief in the positive potential of shared data and technology for shaping a better future. It implies that technology can be a tool for collective progress and societal improvement. It reflects on the optimism surrounding the role of technology in driving positive change.

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This quote reflects on the speaker's perception that certain actions or activities, facilitated by technology, have become much easier over time. It implies that technological advancements may have unintended consequences, such as enabling criminal activities. It reflects on the complex relationship between technology and crime.

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This quote highlights Israel's reputation for having a strong entrepreneurial culture and abundant technology talent. It implies that Israel possesses a wealth of innovative and skilled individuals in the technology sector. It reflects on Israel's tech industry prowess.

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This quote laments the perceived failure of technology to deliver on the promise of simplifying life. It implies that the increasing complexity of technology has introduced new challenges and complexities in daily life. It reflects on the tension between technological convenience and complexity.